
来源 :第十五届全国等离子体科学技术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seanyx
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  Plasma flow control,as a novel active flow control technique,has become a newly—rising focus of international aerodynamics and aerothermodynamics fields.PIV test investigations on flow characteristics induced by plasma aerodynamic actuation were done in the paper.The results showed that the flow induced by millisecond plasma aerodynamic actuation comes out as starting vortex and wall j et.The maximal velocity induced by millisecond discharge is about 5 m/s.The higher the voltage is,the stronger the starting vortex and the wall j et are.While the maximal velocity induced by nanosecond plasma aerodynamic actuation is about 0.5 m/s and the flow is similar to a shock wave upward.The discharge current for nanosecond discharge is 4 Awhich is much higher than that of millisecond discharge(O.1 A).So the nanosecond discharge results in a local fast heating due to high reduced electric field.The local heating caused pressure and temperature rise.The propagation of the pressure and heat induces shock wave and vortex which can enhance momentum and energy exchange between the boundary layer and inflow greatly.So nanosecond discharge is more effective than millisecond discharge in flow separation contr01.The results are instructional for increasing the ability of plasma flow control and can lay a foundation for the understanding of nanosecond discharge plasma flow control.
霍尔推力器(Hall—Effect Thruster,简称HET)是一种利用正交电磁场电离原子和加速等离子的电推进装置,具有高比冲和高效率的特点,广泛应用于轨道保持和深空探测等任务。工质电离是霍尔推力器通道内最重要的基本过程中之一,从宏观的角度来看它影响着推力器的推力、比冲和效率等性能参数;从微观角度来看它与加速过程的耦合左右着整个通道内的放电过程,因此HET通道内的工质电离过程研究非常重要。本文
Plasma j et is a new type of rapid and wide—frequency aerodynamic actuator,which can significantly improve the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft and power plant.Spark discharge plasma jet is adv