Mechanisms underlying Triptolide-induced cognitive enhancement of the 5XFAD Alzheimer's disease

来源 :中国生理学会第24届全国会员代表大会暨生理学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buugly
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  Alzheimers disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease,and the pathogenesis of AD is complex.Amyloid beta peptide (Ab) plays a important role in triggering AD processes including inflammation and oxidative stress.There are not effective therapeutic strategies for AD so far.
Formaldehyde (FA) has neurotoxicity and we have previously demonstrated that hydrogen sulfide (H2S),the third gasotransmitter,antagonizes FA-induced neurotoxicity.However,the exact mechanisms underlyi
Fear conditioning is an associative learning in which a conditioned neutral stimulus is paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus to elicit fear response.Repeated exposures to conditioned stimulu
Cell-type specific differences in the kinetics of inhibitory postsynaptic conductances (IPSCs) impact upon network dynamics throughout the brain.Much attention has been focused on how GABAA receptor a
目的:控制Morris 水迷宫实验的各种条件是获得准确的行为学实验结果的前提。本研究通过改善水迷宫实验中动物投放的便捷和安全性、投放动作与视频记录的同步性,旨在减少实验误差,提高行为学实验结果的准确性和可靠性。
The investigation of mitochondrial abnormalities in brain commonly requires isolation of these organelles.Methods for isolating brain mitochondria rarely rely solely on differential centrifugation as
根据冯志强"互交哲学"内涵之公共区原理设计的四个仪器均获国家专利,应用于全国性学习班以及研究生的教学和研究,收到启迪思维和扩展视界的效果.1.复杂行为研究装置 内筒为公共区;包围内筒之外筒用隔板均分为三区间;在公共区与三区间的共壁和三区间隔板下部设置可开或闭的门,实现三区间和公共区间的互通或形成复杂路径;四区间底为刺激栅、内筒壁的发声和发光装置、顶部的摄像等均由电脑控制.
Objective:Increasing evidences have shown that subtle factors in parents can influence long-term health in their offspring.Although the impacts of exercise-induced maternal development on fetal size a
Aim:This study was designed to investigate rhythmic expression of NCX1 and circadian clock genes as well as their interference in either cultured HL-1 cells or fresh isolated neonatal rat ventricular
背景及目的 脂肪肝是一种多病因导致的肝脏内脂肪过度沉积临床病理综合征。脂肪肝的发生日渐增加,成为危害国民健康的第二大肝病。目前尚无治疗脂肪肝的特效药物,一般主要用护肝及去脂药物等辅助治疗。胆酸(CA)由肝脏合成,随胆汁排入十二肠内,在肠中促进油脂的消化和吸收。
Lipid metabolic disruption is related to many diseases,such as obesity,diabetes,and increased risk of certain cancers.We recently demonstrated that the conditioned medium from adipocytes has a pro-pro