Porous Platinum Nanoparticles with High Catalytic Activity in Aqueous-phase Hydrogenation

来源 :第十七届全国催化学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fh1130
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  This talk will present our recent work in the synthesis of Pt catalysts for the hydrogenation of acetophenone in aqueous phase.A facile but efficient seed-mediated method has been developed for the synthesis of porous platinum(Pt)nanostructures with size ranging from around 10 to 200 nm in diameter in aqueous solution at 55℃.Specifically,each porous Pt nanostructure is composed of a number of tiny Pt nanocrystals with diameter of~7 nm.The crystalline structure and formation/growth mechanisms have been investigated.The obtained porous Pt nanostructures exhibited excellent catalytic performance and stability for aqueous hydrogenation of acetophenone,a promising solvent-free process for emerging green chemistry.This reaction was found to reach 100%conversion more rapidly as the particle size decreased from 46 to 10nm while the size of the nanoparticle was found to have no significant effect on the selectivity of the reaction.Interestingly,the yield of the target alcohol can be well controlled by variation in the the reaction temperatures.It initially increased from 48.5%at room temperature to 89.7%at 80°C but then decreased to 64.3%at 120℃.This work may offer a green-chemistry method for designing and constructing metallic catalysts with a high performance for potential applications in biomass chemical conversion.
SBA-15 介孔分子筛具有较大且可调的孔径,较大的比表面积和良好的热稳定性,因此在催化剂载体方面显示出优越的性能.将杂多酸与SBA-15 相结合,制备固载型杂多酸催化剂已成为目前研究的热点.通常采用浸渍法制备负载磷钨酸(HPW)催化剂中,HPW 极易溶脱,导致催化剂重复使用性不好.为了提高催化剂的重复使用性,利用SBA-15 表面丰富的硅羟基进行表面改性,进而固载HPW,可以有效解决其溶脱问题[
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改性能有效提高活性炭的低温脱硝性能[1-3],已成为国内外研究的热点.本工作采用硫酸对煤基活性炭(AC)进行改性处理,研究不同改性条件对AC 物理化学性质及低温(30-250℃)脱硝性能的影响.
Diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) is an integral part of diesel exhaust purify systems,which oxidize CO and hydrocarbons.Platinum based on high surface area oxide supports are the most widespread applic
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采用同时共沉淀法制备了70%CeZrYLa +30%LaAl 新型纳米复合载体,以三种方法制备了一系列Pt-Rh/70%CeZrYLa +30%LaAl 催化剂.对所制备样品进行了N2 吸附-脱附、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、粉末X 射线衍射(XRD)和H2 程序升温还原(H2-TPR)的表征.