Study on Degradation of Leather Objects by Conservation Environment Focus on the Effect by Ultraviol

来源 :东亚文化遗产保护学会第二次学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong578
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  In case of leather objects, degradation usually occurs by a combination of factors such as temperature and relative humidity, light and insect and fungi.Because chemical composition differs on the types of leather materials, leather objects affect differently even in the same environment.According to UV degradation, the overall color and gloss difference appeared severe in turn of the cowskin, sheepskin and pigskin specimens.In addition, despite short-term period of RH degradation, leather materials showed stable result on high RH circumstances.Nevertheless, if the leather sustained for a long time on the high RH, the environment can be the cause of mold or microorganisms.This study is to understand the leather objects and the future conservation and then to establish the conservational management of leather object for the future.
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  This research was carried out focusing on the ground coating adjustment techniques used on two tea chests.These two chests are considered Guangdong lacquer