Synthesis of Au-decorated V2O5@ZnO Hetero-nanostructures and Enhanced Plasmonic Photocatalytic Activ

来源 :2014年全国博士后新材料技术与应用学术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenmingak47
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  A ternary plasmonic photocatalyst of Au-decorated V2O5@ZnO hetero-nanorods was successfully fabricated via an innovative four-step process: thermal evaporation of ZnO powders, CVD deposition of intermediate on ZnO, solution deposition ofAu NPs and the final thermal oxidization.SEM, TEM, EDX, XPS analyses and X-ray diffraction revealed interior cores and shells of the as-prepared hetero-nanorods were single crystal wurtzite-type ZnO and polycrystalline orthorhombic V2O5, respectively, with a large quantity of Au NPs inlaid in the V2O5 shell.Optical properties for the ternary photocatalyst were detailedly investigated and compared with bare ZnO and V2O5@ZnO samples.UV-vis absorption spectra for ZnO, V2O5@ZnO and Au-decorated V2O5@ZnO showed gradually enhanced absorption in visible region, and gradually decreased emission intensity were also observed in photoluminescence (PL)spectra, revealing enhanced charge separation efficiency.Enlightened by these merits,photocatalytic behaviour of the ternary photocatalyst was studied by photodegradation of methylene blue under UV-vis irradiation, which showed an enhanced photodegradation rate nearly 7 times higher than the bare ZnO and nearly 3 times higher than V2O5@ZnO, mainly owing to the enlarged light absorption region, the effective electron hole separation at the V2O5-ZnO/V2O5-Au interfaces and strong localization of plasmonic near-fields effects.
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  Poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL)/reduced graphene oxide (RGO)nanocomposite bars were prepared by injection molding, and the effects of RGO on the PCL matrix wer