
来源 :第七届全国小麦遗传育种学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunrisekarl
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截至目前,通过构建双亲本衍生的分离群体和QTL 作图,在小麦21 条染色体上均有赤霉病抗性QT 定位的报道.但是相当一部分与已知QTL 关联的标记在不同遗传背景品种构成的自然群体中难以重现,尤其是在大田环境下更是如此,一是因为大田环境下表型的变异较大,鉴定误差掩盖了本来就小的QTL 效应;二是因为育种群体经过多代的选择和积累的历史重组事件,使得QTL 区域的序列变异较为丰富,因此只有与QTL 紧密关联的标记才能在自然群体中检出,且往往存在两个以上的等位变异.
Species in Neofabraea,Pezicula,and related genera have been reported as saprobes,plant pathogens or endophytes from a wide range of hosts.The asexual morphs of Neofabraea and Pezicula had been placed
Unveiling the structure of mutualistic interaction networks has important implications for maintaining biodiversity and understanding ecosystem functioning,but the symbiotic interaction network struct
本研究以香菇菌丝为研究对象,探讨香菇菌丝吸附重金属镉的机理。结果表明培养温度、培养时间、培养基pH 值和培养基中镉浓度均影响香菇菌丝对镉的吸附量。
Thousand kernel weight(TKW) is commonly regarded as a complex trait in wheat.Both unconditional and conditional QTL(quantitative trait locus) analyses were conducted using software QTLNetwork 2.0 in f
Lignin content in stems influences the lodging resistance of wheat(TriticumaestivumL.),and the caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase(COMT) is one of the key enzymes in the roadmap of lignin biosynthesis.
D.villosum(2n=14,VV),the wild relative of wheat,possesses novel and superior alleles at many important loci and should be utilized to improve the genetic diversity of cultivated wheat and,may be very
Plastic glutamine synthetase(GS2) is a key enzyme responsible for the first step of ammonium assimilation,but much less is known about TaGS2 gene function in common wheat and the contributions of the
Identification of genes for yield components,plant height and yield-related physiological traits and tightly linked molecular markers is of great importance in marker-assisted selection(MAS) in wheat
Common wheat(Triticumaestivum L.) is the worlds major cereal crop and an important human food source.
长江中下游麦区常年受赤霉病、白粉病、黄花叶病、锈病等危害,培育抗病小麦新品种是控制病害最经济有效的办法.近年来,利用抗白粉病基因Pm21 和PmV、抗条锈病基因Yr26、抗黄花叶病QTL QYm.nau-5A 和QYm.nau-2D 开展分子标记辅助选择(MAS)工作,育成各类抗病品系120 个,其中单抗型68 个,双抗型39 个,三抗型13 个.