High Power,Single-Longitudinal-Mode DPSSL Based on Reflective Volume Bragg Grating and Prelase Q-Swi

来源 :第十届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyx8113999
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  A high average power,single-longitudinal-mode(SLM)laser system has been demonstrated based on Reflective Volume Bragg Grating(RVBG)and Prelase Q-switch.The RVBG acts as an output coupler instead of a normal mirror.
The resolution of imaging is limited by the missing of high-frequencies information.However,these information can be amplified by the metamaterial or surface plasmon polaritons.A silver film having su
The wave front recording and reconstruction of an object are numerically performed using a computer in this study.The two-,three-and four-step phase shifting algorithms are proposed in order to suppre
Definitions of mode-field half-width and divergence half-angle according to different kinds of methodswereanalyzed in this paper.Then,numerical results of these definitions weregiven for the fundament
提出了一种改进环光纤结构,通过在原环光纤中引入一高折射率层,利用模式重组效应,增大了OAM 模式之间的有效折射率差,减弱了模式间的简并现象。通过数值仿真,对该改进环光纤结构的参数进行了优化设计,最终实现了不同OAM 模式间~10 -3 的有效折射率差,从而可以有效地抑制传输过程中的模间串扰,改善环光纤中OAM 模式的传输性能。
研究连续太赫兹波技术在航天隔热复合材料粘接缺陷无损检测领域的应用。采用反射式调频连续太赫兹波检测系统,以层析成像方式对一种航天表面隔热复合材料的粘接面进行检测,根据各层灰度图像,判断出粘接面的缺陷大小、形状和位置,并用自适应Canny 算子和对所得图像进行了的边缘检测。实验与分析表明,应用连续太赫兹成像方法,结合适当的图像检测技术,可以在一定程度上实现对无金属夹层的表面隔热复合材料与粘接基板之间粘
Microchannel plate(MCP)gated framing camera is a powerful diagnostic tool for laser-driven inertial confinement fusion and fast Z-pinch experiments.In order to understand the temporal characteristic o
极限学习机(ELM)作为一种单隐层前馈神经网络已成功应用于大数据分析.与传统神经网络相比,ELM 具有结构简单,学习速度快和较好的推广性等优势.但是,ELM 的输出权值是基于最小二乘法(1 east square,LES)估计的,这容易夸大离群点和噪声的影响,导致其预测性能的不稳定.本文提出一种新的稳健的ELM-基于最小一乘回归的极限学习机框架,称为LAD-ELM.而且,问题被转化为线性规划,能够
Optical clocks with accuracy and stabilityachieve to 10-18 level currently.The paper presents the progress on the optical lattice clock of Sr(Strontium)atoms at NTSC(National Time Service Center).88 S