Current Therapeutic Antibody Production Process and Optimization

来源 :2005 WHTS'3rd Annual Congress of International Drug Disc | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uilyz
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  In todays biopharmaceutical pipeline, monoclonal antibodies are a predominant modality for a broad range of clinical indications, including inflammatory disorder, oncology and infectious diseases.More than two-dozen antibody-based products are already in the market.In 2004, of the 12 new biopharmaceuticals gained approval in the US and EU, 6 were antibody-based products.Most antibody therapies require high doses over a long period of time, which requires large amount of purified product per patient.Therefore manufacturing capacity to meet the demand of antibody production is a real challenge.It is strongly desirable to have highly productive and consistent manufacturing processes.In addition, speed to market is critical to deliver the health benefit to patients fast and to achieve business success.For early stage clinical studies (Phase I and II), an initial standardized platform process is usually applied to satisfy the material demand and quality requirements within a short period of time despite of the relatively low productivity and robustness.Once the product candidate is proven to be safe to the patients according to the early phase clinical study, the process is further optimized to maximize product yield and process robustness and to reduce the cost of goods for commercial manufacturing.
【摘 要】幼教的任务和性质决定了幼儿园的班级工作非常的烦琐和细致,我们一定要有一颗坚定的心,相信自己能将班级工作做到最好,而且要将这种信念转换成自己的实际行动。幼儿的保教工作是班级管理的重点,时刻把班里的事情放在心上,想在前头、干在前头。发挥班级老师的特长、团结协作,共同搞好班级的各项工作,家长工作是班级管理工作的重中之重,常规教育是班级活动顺利开展的先决条件,赏识教育也是教育幼儿教育的一个重要环