The characterization metabolites in vitro for biologically-active xanthones isolated from Halenia el

来源 :第2届大连国际色谱学术报告会、第37届国际高效液相色谱及相关技术会议、第18届全国色谱学术报告会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:congyuantao
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  Halenia elliptica D.Don belonged to the Gentianaceae family is commonly used as a Tibetan medicinal herb in the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis.It was reported for the first time that five xanthones isolated and identified from Halenia elliptica had vasodilatory action on isolated rat coronary arteries.The results showed that Halenia elliptica had cardiovascular activities and xanthones were vasoactive substances with vasodilation effect.Among these xanthones, the content of 1-hydroxy-2, 3, 5-trimethoxy-xanthone (HM-1), 1-hydroxy-2, 3, 4, 7-tetramethoxy-xanthone (HM-2), 1-hydroxy-2, 3, 4, 5-tetramethoxy-xanthone (HM-3) were high, therefore it is the metabolic transformation of HM-1, HM-2, HM-3 and 1, 7-dihydroxy-2, 3, 4, 5-tetramethoxy-xanthone (HM-4) in vitro through the microsome incubation system that were studied to explore the metabolic characteristics.In this study, high performance liquid chromatography coupled to ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LCMSn-ESI-IT-TOF)was applied for the separation and identification of metabolites of four xanthones.
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