Teaching experimental design to promote higher creative thinking skills

来源 :International Conference for Physiological Sciences 2012(201 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijinjie1981
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  The higher-order thinking skill is essential for medical graduates to do research works.To foster deep thinking and clear expression skills the learner-center teaching method was used in the classroom.The electrophysiological experimental designs were taught during 2000-2008.During the course the medical graduates found the questions and the solution to solve them, searched the reference journals or books, to applied background knowledge, designed animal experiments, prepared PPT slices, presented orally the experiment designs in the classroom and answered the questions asked by the judges.The quality of the classroom presentation including experiment design, oral presentation, PPT and lab setting up was assessed by the judges who were the experts in electrophysiology and medical education.The data was collected from total 104 medical graduates who presented orally experimental designs during 2000-2008.All data was statistically analyzed.The strengths and weaknesses of the medical graduates abilities were paid much attention to in this study.The results exhibited (1) very attractive oral presentations (8.3523±0.02292)(n=2004), (2) good PPT preparation (7.9885±0.02473) (n=2004), (3) not very bad quality of experimental designs (7.9291±0.02960) (n=2004) and (4) badly difficult in electrophysiological lab setting up (7.8408±0.03460)(n=892).In comparison of(l) with (2), (3) or (4), of (2) with (4), the mean differences were at the statistical significance level of P<0.001 (One way ANOVA, F=65.841, P<0.001).The detail was also assessed.The results showed the great challenges in answering the questions asked by the judges quickly (8.1781±0.04459)(n=2004), PPT visual effects (7.9536±0.04568)(n=2004), creative thinking in experimental design (7.8084±0.05232)(n=2004) and arrangement of electrophysiological equipment in the lab (7.7037±0.09924)(n=892).The information is very important evidence to indicate medical graduates cognitive and creative thinking competences including the strengths and weaknesses we have to understand.New or modified teaching-learning strategies may be brought out to promote higher creative thinking skill training.It is evidence-based-teaching method practice either.
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