Development of self-flux alloy coating with excellent durability

来源 :第五届宝钢学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nathon_zhwang
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  In iron and steel industry,many surface treatments are applied to components of manufacturing equipment.One of the surface treatments,self-flux alloy thermal spray coating,is widely applied to many components in steel rods production line and guide rollers in and wire rods production line which are used under high temperature,high-load,and high impact.In this study,high performance self-flux alloy coating that cannot be attained by conventional fusing method was developed by a special fusing method.As a result,a highly durable coating with significantly improved wear and corrosion resistance was attained.In this paper,the evaluation results of wear and corrosion test are reported,and application examples in the iron and steel industry are also introduced.
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对金属自修复材料的减摩特性及其在节能上的应用进行了研究。采用立式万能摩擦磨损试验机考察了在不同含量的金属抗磨自修复材料的润滑油润滑条件下钢-钢摩擦副的摩擦学行为,并在滚动轴承台架试验机上对其节能效果进行了验证.结果表明,在800 N高载荷条件下,加入金属抗磨自修复材料后的润滑油润滑的摩擦副的摩擦系数下降非常明显,尤其是钢-钢摩擦副的减摩效果更加突出,摩擦系数降幅最大达到85%。滚动轴承台架模拟试验
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