The influence of CYP3A5 * 3 and BCRPC421A genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of felodipin

来源 :中国药理学会第十三次全国学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangxinyu322
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  Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacogenetic variability in the disposition of felodipine in healthy Chinese subjects.Methods A single oral dose of 5 mg felodipine was orally administered to 45healthy Chinese subjects.The serum concentrations of felodipine were measured by using LC/MS/MS.We detected the SNPs of CYP450 enzymes and transporters, which play vital roles in drug metabolism and are with a high frequency of mutation in Chinese.Results The area under the plasma concentrationtime curve (AUC) within the time points 0 to 72 h (AUC (072)) after felodipine administration was significantly higher in the subjects possessing the CYP3A5 * 1/* 3 alleles than in those with the CYP3A5 * 1/* 1 alleles (P =0.021).The BCRP 421A allele was associated with a trend of reduced pharmacokinetic exposure (P =0.034).The mean Tmax in subjects with the CYP3A4 * 1/* 18B carriers was longer than in those with the CYP3A4 * 1/* 1.The pharmacokinetics characteristics of felodipine were not associated with other SNPs we investigated.Conclusion This study showed that the genetic polymorphisms of CYP3A5 * 3 and BCRPC421A might explain the variability in the pharmacokinetics of felodipine in the Chinese population.
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几年前我陪一位同学参观加州理工学院的校园,意外地遇到其大礼堂正在举办科普活动。两位著名天体物理学家——剑桥大学的霍金和加州理工学院的索恩先后登台演讲。他们谈到在1975年两人曾打赌天鹅座X-1是否含有黑洞,赌注是输家为赢家订阅杂志。霍金打赌它不是黑洞。在1990年有较充分证据表明它是黑洞之后,霍金认输,为索恩订阅了一年的美国色情杂志《阁楼》,据说这让索恩太太大怒。   这次打赌显得很低级趣味,但
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