Distribution of recent ostracod species in the Lake Qinghai area in northwestern China and its ecolo

来源 :“东亚欧环境变化过程-亚洲季风变化与高低纬气候相互作用”第八届国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeah88
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  The occurrence and abundance of different ostracod species are sensitive to changes in environmental factors, especially to the temperature and the salinity of water bodies.Thus, the ostracods can be used as a scale rough measure of temperature and salinity in the analysis and reconstruction of paleoenvironments.In order to interpret the climate-change data using the ecological characteristics of the ostracods from the drill cores in Lake Qinghai, the distribution of Recent ostracods was studied in Lake Qinghai area.A total of 34 species belonging to the Ostracoda class of Crustacea were collected from different bodies of water in the Lake Qinghai area, and the ecological information for Recent ostracod species was studied.Among these 34 species, Cypris pubera, Eucypris dulcifons, Ilyocypris sp.1, Ilyocypris sp.2, Fabaeformiscandona caudata, Fabaeformiscandona byalina, Herpetocypris reptans, Prionocypris gansenensis, Potamocypris villosa, Potamocypris smaragdina, Paralimnocythere compressa and Subulacypris sp.were first reported by us in the Lake Qinghai area.Some of the species identified exhibited cosmopolitan distributions, at least in the Holarctic region, but P.gansenensis and Ilyocypris echinata appeared to be restricted to the cold regions in northwestern China.
  Lake Dood is a fresh water lake, remnant of a large glacial lake in the Darkhad basin.Northern Mongolia is located at the coordinate of 51°20′ N, 99°23′
在2012下半年沉寂许久的索尼(SONY),在2013开年便拿出了当家旗舰Xperia ZL36h,为我们带来了全新变革的日系潮流。在惊喜于索尼的革新之余,忠实粉丝们又开始怀念起标志性的透
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本文介绍了有线数字电视信号的形成过程及网络维护要求,详细阐述了信道功率、调制误差率、误码率的概念和用QAM测试仪来分析星座图与信号质量和系统问题的关系。 This paper