On the importance of using appropriate spectral models to derive physical properties of galaxies at

来源 :2015年东亚青年天文学家会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wusuowei2100
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Interpreting ultraviolet-to-infrared observations of distant galaxies in terms of constraints on physical parameters-such as stellar mass,star formation rate (SFR) and attenuation by dust-requires spectral synthesis modelling.
The COmpton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI),known as the Nuclear Compton Telescope (NCT) before,is a balloon-borne soft gamma-ray (0.2-5 MeV) telescope.
Although hard to identify observationally,fly-by encounters between galaxies are believed to play an important role in galaxy evolution.
Eclipsing Binaries Minima(BIMA)Monitoring Project aims to observe eclipsing binaries minima and to build database of their orbital periods and variations over time.
Turbulence is ubiquitous in astrophysical fluids such as the interstellar medium and the intracluster medium.
Astronomy is one of the most interesting subject for many people,it attracts lots of attention from young to old.
While gravitational lensing is believed to provide the most accurate galaxy cluster mass estimates,it is a technique limited to the more local universe.
We revisit the question of the ionization of the diffuse medium in late-type galaxies,by studying NGC 891,the prototype of edge-on spiral galaxies.
The nature of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) that reside in "inactive" galaxy nuclei is difficult to explore.
Nearly 15 ? 20% of solar type stars contain one or more gas giant planet.According to the core-accretion scenario,the acquisition of their gaseous envelope must be preceded by the formation of super-c
Protostellar jets and outflows are an essential component in the star formation process.They regulate the rotating collapse of a star forming cloud into a young star by removing excess angular momentu