The Betweenness Centrality of White Matter Structural Networks in Schizophrenia

来源 :中华医学会第十一次全国精神医学学术会议暨第三届亚洲神经精神药理学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rgypf1988
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  Objective The betweenness centrality as a measure was first introduced to evaluate the role or the position of nodes in the network.It measures the probability of a node that appear in the shortest path between other nodes and it indicates the ability of the node as an information hub in the entire network.Here,we used DTI tractography and graph theoretical approaches to compare the differences of the betweenness centrality of the nodes in the brain structural networks of the schizophrenia and the healthy.
Objective High non-adherence rates in schizophrenia can limit the efficacy of pharmacotherapy.Therefore,the use of long-acting injectable antipsychotics (LAIs) is considered to be an important treatme
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Objective Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness,with multiple relapses and re-hospitalizations often due to poor medication adherences,leading to poor quality of life for schizophrenic patients.In
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Introduction Indonesia with population of 237.5 million has been estimated HIV prevalence of 0.27% among the 15-49 years age group.Indonesias HIV and AIDS epidemic is concentrated amongst key affected
目的 探讨少数名族地区精神分裂症患者家庭功能的现状.方法 临床入组精神分裂症患者194例,用一般人口学调查表、家庭功能评定量表(FAD-CV)、家庭亲密度及适应性量表(FACES-CV Ⅱ)量表进行调查.结果 城市患者家庭角色、情感介入、总的功能得分低于农村患者家庭(P<0.05);职业为干部的患者家庭情感反应、情感介入、总的功能得分与职业为工人、农民、无业患者的家庭有显著差异;收入高的家庭情感反
目的 以往研究表明,抗精神病治疗早期有效是预示患者临床症状改善的可靠指标.本研究的目的是探索中国的精神分裂症患者在使用奥氮平治疗4周时获得有效治疗结果的相关因素,并评估治疗早期有效是否与患者更好的长期预后有关.方法 本研究是对一个多国、为期6个月、前瞻性的观察性研究中的中国患者(330例)进行的一个事后亚组分析.研究对象是在门诊接受精神分裂症治疗并且接受使用奥氮平口服药作为初始治疗或换药治疗的患者
目的 探讨合并2型糖尿病的男性分裂症患者交叉换用齐拉西酮和奥氮平后血糖控制情况、代谢指标的变化及临床疗效.方法 入选年龄、病程尽量匹配的48例服用奥氮平治疗和48例服用齐拉西酮治疗,病情稳定(PANSS总分<60分)、血糖控制良好(HbAlc<7%),符合2型糖尿病诊断标准的男性精神分裂症患者进行交替换药治疗,服用奥氮平的患者换用齐拉西酮治疗(A组),服用齐拉西酮患者换用奥氮平治疗(B组).2周内
目的 观察多种常用抗精神病药物对患者血脂和体重的影响,为临床用药提供参考.方法 4家精神病专科医院的534名经DSM-Ⅳ诊断的精神分裂症患者,随机分配到7个药物治疗组(分别为①利培酮2~6mg/d;②奥氮平5~20 mg/d;③喹硫平400~750mg/d;④阿立哌唑10~30 mg/d;⑤齐拉西酮80~160 mg/d;⑥氟哌啶醇6~20 mg/d;⑦奋乃静20~60 mg/d,7组随机比例为:
Objective The betweenness centrality as a measure was first introduced to evaluate the role or the position of nodes in the network.It measures the probability of a node that appear in the shortest pa