Occupational risk assessment of classic carcinogenic, reproductive and neurotoxicological chemicals

来源 :第四届亚洲风险评估与管理国际会议(EARAM2009) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragonlumeng
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  We carried out monitoring program of occupational health care and health hazards for typicaloccupational chemical factors (carcinogens,materials of reproductive damage and nervedamage) in our country by methods for risk assessment and risk management.On the basis of biomarker research and health risk evaluation,we analysis law of occurrence and development for hazards of typical occupational chemical factors.Through these effors,we bring forward the model of risk assessment and management for typical occupational chemical factors in China and make suggestions for preventive and control technology for occupational health hazards.Table1.
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  Health risk assessment (HRA),which contains four major procedures i.e.risk identification,exposure assessment,dose-response relationship and risk characteri