Discovery of the novel anti-epileptic drug HN37 targeting KCNQ potassium channels

来源 :第九届海内外华人神经科学家研讨会(The 9th Symposium for Chinese Neuroscientis | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bitdefender2009
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  KCNQ channels are proven anti-epileptic drug targets.We took advantage of two strategies to identify novel KCNQ activators.First,a library including 800,000 compounds was screened by a traditional high throughput screening and a series of novel scaffolds were identified.Second,we performed a computer-aid virtual screening targeting the gating charge pathway of KCNQ2 channels.We provided evidence that the gating charge pathway of the voltage-gated KCNQ2 potassium channel can accommodate various small molecule ligands.Additionally,using the KCNQ activators as probes,we found the subtype selectivity of KCNQ channels is dynamically modulated by the membrane lipid,which provide new insight into the action mechanism of KCNQ channels.The identified hits were then evaluated in various of in vivo seizure models.System studies show that HN37 is an effective antiepileptic agent,with high activity,good metabolic characteristics,low toxicity(LD50>1 g/kg)and other notable features in vitro.Pharmacokinetic studies indicate HN37 and its major active metabolites have high distribution rate in brain,long half-life and promising drugablity.HN37 is in preclinical trials.
目的 通过使用3.0T 磁共振对50 例受试者的腰3-骶1 椎体水平行扩散张量成像(DTI)扫描并对神经根进行定量分析,并探究:(1)健康人群从L3 至S1 任意节段神经根FA 值是否存在差异;(2)腰椎间盘突出腰神经根受压时病例组患侧及健侧FA 值的差值是否存在差异;(3)FT 图能否示踪神经根的走行,并应用于LDH 腰骶神经根受压的诊断.方法 ①收集潞安矿务局总医院2014 年12 月-201
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