p38γ MAPK promotes pancreatic tumorigenesis by stimulating PFKFB3/Glut2-dependent aerobic glycolysis

来源 :2019中国肿瘤学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whqqqqqqq
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  Objective BACKGROUND & AIMS: Cancer cells rely on aerobic glycolysis to generate ATP for autonomous growth,a phenomenon termed “the Warburg effect”,and how the Warburg effect is turned on and off in cancer,however,is largely unknown.Kras is almost universally mutated in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma(Pdac)but is undruggable,and Kras oncogenesis is considered as a process of selective activation of the Warburg effect.We investigated if a Ras effector p38γ MAPK promotes Kras-induced Pdac by activating the Warburg effect with the goal to demonstrate p38γ as a therapeutic target for Pdac.Methods METHODS: We generated mice that were specifically depleted of p38γ(MAPK12)in pancreatic tissues and examined effects on pancreatitis and tumorigenesis.Moreover,a specific p38γ pharmacological inhibitor pirfenidone(PFD)was tested in vitro and in mice for its p38γ-dependent regulatory activities.Mass spectrometry was used to screen for novel p38γ-binding molecules and to identify potential phosphorylation on involved proteins.Further,glycolytic analyses were performed in KPC cells and tumors,with and without p38γ knockout and/or rescue,and clinical pancreatic tumor specimens were analyzed for protein expression and prognostic value.Results RESULTS: Mice with conditional p38γ knockout(KO)had attenuated pancreatitis with reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine expression.Moreover,KPC mice with p38γ KO(KPC/p38γ KO)survived 240 days longer than KPC counterparts.Analyses of three separate KPC and KPC/p38γ KO tumor cell lines(prepared from three respective KPC and KPC/p38γ KO mice)show that p38γ KO leads to decreased glucose uptake,reduced lactate secretion,and suppressed PFK activity.Seahorse-analyses further reveal that there is a decreased extracellular acidification rate(ECAR)(an indicator for glycolysis)but not a decreased oxygen consumption rate(OCR,an indicator of respiration),in KPC/p38γ KO cells as compared to KPC cells.Mechanistically,p38γ binds and phosphorylates the glycolytic activator PFKFB3 at S467 and thereby increases their binding affinity with the glucose transporter Glut2.This conclusion is supported by increased and decreased PFK activity by stably expressing PFKFB3/S467D and PFKFB3/S467A as compared to PFKFB3 in KPC,but not KPC/p38γ KO,cells.Pathway analyses further showed that stable expression of oncogenic Kras(G12V)in HPNE cells increases the levels of p-p38γ,p38γ,PFKFB3 and Glut2,but not Glut1,expression in HPNE cells; p38γ over-expression alone also results in similar increases in PFKFB3 and Glut2.Because Glut2 transfection stimulates protein expression of PFKFB3 but not p38γ,these results together indicate that p38γ may signal downstream of Kras and upstream of Glut2 and PFKFB3 in glycolysis.Of interest,PFKFB3 and Glut2 both depend on p38γ to stimulate glycolysis and/or growth,whereas PFKFB3/S467 phosphorylation is necessary for p38γ-induced glycolysis and Pdac growth and sufficient to promote glycolysis.Depletion of PFKFB3 significantly decreases glucose uptake,lactate secretion,PFK activity,ECAR and colony formation in KPC cells,but not in KPC/p38γ KO cells.The p38γ inhibitor Pirfenidone also suppresses pancreatic tumorigenesis and growth and decreases p-PFKFB3 expression dependent of p38γ in mice and in cells.Furthermore,the p38γ-p-PFKFB3-PFKFB3-Glut2 pathway is overexpressed in clinical specimens and is reversely correlated with patient survival.Conclusions CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrated that p38γ MAPK promotes Pdac tumorigenesis by converting K-Ras oncogenic signaling into PFKFB3/Glut2-dependent glycolysis and targeting p38γ with its inhibitor PFD may be a novel targeted therapy for pancreatic cancer by disrupting metabolic reprogramming.
冲突信息的调解依赖于认知控制对注意资源的调控。传统理论认为,不同冲突形式包含相同的认知控制过程。然而,近年来的很多研究发现了Stroop、Simon 等不同类别的冲突范式之间存在特异性的冲突调控。为了更好地理解冲突加工的认知控制机制和组织原则,我们采用行为、脑成像、建模等多种方法系统性地探究了不同的冲突任务是否依赖相同的认知控制机制。具体而言,我们根据两种冲突之间是否产生冲突适应效应来考察认知控制
目的:注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)是最常见的儿童神经发育障碍之一。其发病机制至今未明确。本研究目的在于探讨ADHD 儿童的大脑白质微结构改变,并通过整合多模态数据,探讨ADHD 儿童多模态异常。另结合临床及社区样本探讨ADHD 儿童大脑白质微结构改变的遗传基础。方法:(1)本研究临床样本共纳入83 位ADHD 儿童及122 健康对照。所有儿童均经结构磁共振,功能磁共振及弥散张量成像扫描。利用基于纤
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在传统的单目标视觉搜索任务中,个体能够通过学习重复出现的场景信息来提高搜索效率,这一现象称为情景线索效应(contextual cueing effect)。目前对情景线索效应的研究主要聚焦于两个问题:其一,情景线索效应主要是注意导向(attentional guidance)的作用还是反应相关过程,如反应标准阈限值(response criteria)降低的作用;其二,个体在情景线索效应中学习到
空气污染是一个严重的环境问题,它已经影响了全球数百万居民的健康。大量研究表明生活在空气污染的环境中,人们的生理、心理功能都会受到不同程度的损害。通过五个研究(共752 名被试者),我们检验了如下假设:空气污染会提升个体的行为免疫系统反馈水平,进而引发个体的自我去人性化,即个体认为自己的人性水平降低,甚至失去人性。
当个体信息与类别信息同时呈现时,个体的自我控制资源与信息效价产生交互作用,且共同影响他人印象形成的认知控制策略和信息加工深度。为进一步探究这一现象所产生的印象控制效应,采用自我控制资源损耗任务将96 名被试随机分为高损耗组和低损耗组,并让他们完成内隐联想测验,以考察个体信息与类别信息的效价冲突时,他人印象控制策略如何受到自我控制资源与信息效价的双重影响。
背景 当前老年心血管慢性病的治疗已成为临床关注的重点问题。心血管疾病的控制及预防与心理状态联系紧密。由于慢性病治疗具有长期性特点,患者的疾病应对方式至关重要。了解患者医学应对方式并探索其影响因素,可有目的地针对患者进行干预,以期达到更好的治疗效果。
Objective EGFR-TKIs have been the first-line treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients with EGFR mutations.Chemotherapy remains the standard treatment for patients without T790M mutat