Extended-Nano Fluidics for Novel Functional Devices

来源 :第八届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第三届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议暨第五届国际微化学与微系统学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zh0518
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  Outstanding smallness is,of course,remarkable characteristic of the extended-nano (EN) fluidic channels.However,the ultimate smallness brings out unique properties of liquid and fluid in EN channels.They are dominated by the surface and interface surrounding EN space.We have utilized these characteristics to novel analytical and energy devices,and also,we are now elucidating the unique properties of EN space.The first topics are the utilization of smallness.At least in our research group,micro fluidic devices have gone into practical phase.In contrast to micro fluidics,EN fluidics is still in launching stage.The size region of 101-102 nm,that is EN space,is still unexplored area.We fabricated EN channels into glass microchips,and succeeded in fluidic control and chemical processing such as chromatographic separation.EN-channels are connected to micro channels,and these micro channels are substantial size interface between EN and macro worlds.The most important breakthroughs are detection and low temperature glass bonding methods.Our differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope,DIC-TLM,enabled ultrasensitive detection and determination of non-fluorescent molecules in EN space which is even shorter than optical wavelength.The low temperature glass bonding enabled surface modification (functionalization) before bonding,and we could introduce variety of surface modification into EN channels.We applied the EN fluidic devices to pico-litter immunoassay and atto-litter chromatography.Pico to femto litter is much smaller than the volume of a living cell,and therefore,single cell single molecule analysis with keeping the cell alive will be available.The atto-litter chromatography will be introduced in this talk.The unique properties of EN fluid are mainly brought by surface.Viscosity,dielectric constant,proton mobility,conductivity,and other properties change in EN space.The causes of them are revealing to be attributed to the behavior of proton which is provided by surface group.These unique properties have been applied to novel energy devices.Self hydrogen supplying fuel cell will be introduced as an example.
摘要:本文首先从大众音乐文化的特征出发,对大众音乐文化视角下的初中音乐教学方法进行逐一阐述,并针对当前初中音乐教学在融入大众音乐文化的过程中所遇到的问题,提出一些对策和建议,以便更好地为未来初中音乐教学的发展打开新的局面。  关键词:初中音乐;教学方法;大众音乐文化视角  当今各种大众音乐文化借由媒介迅速而广泛的传播,人们耳朵和眼球中都被各种音乐充斥着,潜移默化地影响着人们的精神需求。其中不可否认
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