Study on Mining Regulations of Unexploited Coal under Highway

来源 :第三届中国能源科学家论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ah12345679
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  The rapid development of the highway construction in China leads to the sharp volume increasing of unexploited coal under highway.Getting the unexploited coal as much as possible and ensuring the safety of highway becomes a new subject of coal mining field.This paper proposed an assumption which is to compile the Mining regulations of unexploited coal under highway in China and these regulations are used to guide the mining of unexploited coal under highway scientifically and systematically.Base on the study of a large number of laws about highway and mining industry and existent regulations about unexploited coal mining under other constructions,according to the deformation and failure characteristics of highway by the effect of coal mining,referencing to the laws of surface mining subsidence by using existent coal mining methods,this paper proposed the principal parts of the regulations ought to include distinctive terms such as the allowed surface deformation values to ensure the safety of highways with different subgrades in structures and materials,the judgement criterion of mining feasibility for unexploited coal under highway and the mining methods of unexploited coal under highway along with corresponding applicable conditions of these methods.The contents of these terms had been discussed respectively in this paper.The study provided the supports about theories and mining technologies for extracting unexploited coal under highway,increasing the coal production,optimizing mining design,prolonging the coal mine life and put forward some constructive suggestions for completing the regulations in the mining field of unexploited coal in China.
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