An Application of Cooperative Learning Strategies to the Teaching of Reading Comprehension for Non-E

来源 :The 2011 International Conference on Education Science and M | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tai_2036580
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  Cooperative learning strategies have occupied a prominent place among language teaching methodologies.This study quantitatively validates the effect of cooperative learning on the reading comprehension performance in EFL classes of Chinese learners of Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao.67 first-year students from two classes, with an average age between 18-20 years, were tested with a placement test and a reading comprehension test.The tests results showed that the students from the two classes have the same English language proficiency level and they had no significant difference in their reading comprehension.Then one class was chosen to be the experimental class and the other control class.Through one terms training of cooperative learning strategies on the experimental class, a reading comprehension test was finally administered to both of the two classes.The findings substantiated the benefits of cooperative learning as an effective way to enhance learners achievement, motivation as well as to reduce their anxiety in class.
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1  作为万物之灵的我们就像是演员,每个人都有属于自己的一个剧本。我们按着各自的剧本说话,把它看成是唯一的真实。事实上,真实是我们的本原状态——不是我们表现出的自己。我们就如同是一个戏剧、喜剧中表演的演员,在不同的角色里有着不同的剧本。这些角色没有一个是真实的,我们本身才是真实的。  2  我们创造的现实,是我们的思想认知所发挥出的一个功能。  3  灵魂的解脱就是在心存仁爱中活着,须臾不离。  
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