【摘 要】
Aimed at loop fallacy.indeterminate serialization of suspicious nodes and local overload problems of suspicious information source traceback in net-flow exc
【出 处】
Aimed at loop fallacy.indeterminate serialization of suspicious nodes and local overload problems of suspicious information source traceback in net-flow exchange.it proposes Multilaver Collaborative Traceback Technique based on Net-flow Fingerprint The traceback is divided into Controllable Inter-AS layer.Intra-AS Routing layer and Controllable Subnet laver Based on the characteristics of each layer.it achieves e fficient suspic ious path extraction in C ontr ollable Inter-AS laver by B GP protocol propertie s In Intra-AS Routing layer.it solves loop fallacy by directed graph transformation and indeterminate serialization of suspicious no des by local time relationship approach In C ontrollable Subnet layer.it achieves precise location byusing forwarding tables.Whats more.by proposing multilayer collaborative approach it improves the effcciencv of suspicious path extraction and reduces local overload of traceback servers without compromising the accuracv of traceback Finally.the correctness and computational complexity of NFCMT are proved and the feasibilitv and correctness of this scheme are discussed by experiments.
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