Urban Buildings Classification Using GIS Building Inventory Data For Earthquake Loss Assessment and

来源 :北京师范大学,中国自然辩证法研究会,中国灾害防御协会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiw2436
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  The destructive earthquake causes casualties and economic losses.In China,with the rapid urban expansion and urban population growth,the risk of urban earthquake disaster will be increased.Building is the most important hazard bearing body in the urban earthquake disaster because more than 75% of earthquake-related human casualties are caused by the collapse of buildings or structures (Coburn and Spence,2002).GIS building inventory in a large-scale map is vital both for earthquake loss mitigation and for earthquake disaster response purposes.
中职教育是我国教育事业的重要组成部分,是为实施人才强国战略和由中国制造向中国创造发展转变提供强大人才培养动力的不竭源泉之一,为国家培养数以亿计的就职于企业生产前线的掌握一技之长的专业技术人才.中职学生出校门后更多是直接进入企业工作岗位.由此可见,强调学习的实用性,重视课堂教学的有效性,更可以体现学生的长远 与终生发展.有效课堂教学的是指通过课堂教学活动,学生在学业上有收获,有提高,有进步.具体表现
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