Numerical analysis of longitudinal-transverse coupling in Malmberg-Penning trap for compact simulato

来源 :The 20th International Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusio | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pan07631014
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An energy driver development is a key issue for inertial fusion energy.In inertial confinement fusion (ICF) driven by heavy ion beams,high-current heavy ion beams are required as the energy driver [1].Because parameters of the heavy ion beam are far from the conventional beams,the beam behavior should be researched well for the energy driver development.Since,it is difficult to construct the heavy ion accelerator from the viewpoint of cost,compact simulators with electron beam were proposed and developed [2,3].In this study,we numerically investigate the beam dynamics for the compact simulator by using Malmberg-Penning trap device [4],and it is confirmed that the device is valid for a simulator as heavy ion beam for energy driver in ICF.
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