
来源 :2015互联网运维与开发者大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ckxworkman
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365日历介绍 基础服务:日程管理、黄历节日节气、放假安排、天气等 共享日程:班级、公司、球队、家庭 公众日历:电影首映、演出活动、体育赛事等等 大纲 服务器架构演进
During the last decade focused ion beam(FIB)processing has become an essential tool for sub-surface(3D)metrology and the site specific fabrication of ultrathin lamellas suitable for transmission elect
Carbon nanodots(CNDs)are small(1–10 nm)surface-passivated carbon nanoparticles[1],emitting photoluminescence(PL)across the entire visible light range.Since their first description in 2004[2],CNDs have
As is known to all,graphene oxide(GO)is amphipathic for the hydrophilic edges and hydrophobic basal plane.And with the decrease of the lateral dimension size,the hydrophility would be significantly im
Semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes(sc-SWCNTs)have been regarded as one of ideal materials to fabricate high-performance thin film transistors(TFTs)and circuits due to their flexibility,high
Two-dimensional(2D)group VIB transition-metal dichalcogenides(TMD)have attracted broad interests.While group IVB TMDs,such as ZrX2,HfX2(X=S,Se,Te),have rarely been studied but can have superior electr
With the commercial application of graphite anode,lithium-ion batteries(LIBs)are extensively applied in numerous portable devices such as smartphones and laptops.However,current LIBs based on conventi
It is generally believed that cytotoxicity of QDs mostly comes from the release of toxic heavy metal ions(e.g.,Cd 2+,Pb 2+),which is largely dependent on the stability of outer surface layers.For exam
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