The interventional treatment of pulmononary arteriovenous malformation

来源 :第八届北京五洲国际心血管病会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fy9112003
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  Objective To summarize the experience and examine the efficacy of interventional treatment for congenital pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM).Method A retrospective analysis of 16 patients with PAVM who underwent interventional treatment was performed.All patients received right heart catheterization and pulmonary artery angiography before operation to observe the location and type of PAVM and to identify and measure the vessel of blood supply.Materials such as coils、 vascular plug or PDA occluder were selected based on the site and diameter of blood supply vessel.Pre-and post-operative measurement of arterial oxygen saturation is necessary for all patients.Postoperative follow-up ranged from six months to two years.Results Mean age of sixteen patients (9 men and 7 women) with PAVM was 30 years old.Pulmonary arterial angiography showed single saccular, multiple saccular and diffuse capillary PAVM in 8, 6 and 2 patients.The number of all blood supply vessels was 25 and measured diameter of these feeding vessels was 3-8 mm.Technical success was reached for all patients, with 34 coils、 13 vascular Plugs and 8 PDA occluders used.Postopeartive angiography showed total occlusion of all blood supply vessels and undeveloped aneurysmal sac.No adverse complications occurred for all patients.Arterial oxygen saturation increased from 89.2% to 96.5% and mean pulmonary artery pressure increased from 18 mmHg to 26mmHg.Clinical symptoms improved greatly.Conclusion It was both feasible and safe for the interventional treatment of PAVM, which showed good short-term result.
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