TNF-α-mediated upregulation of chemokine CXCL12 in the dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord contribut

来源 :中华医学会疼痛学分会第十一届学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nowolfjin
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Objective: Emerging evidence indicates that CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling is involved in chronic pain.However, few studies have systemically assessed the role of this signaling in direct nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain and the associated underlying mechanism.Methods: Rats received the spared nerve injury to induce neuropathic pain.The expressions of CXCL12/CXCR4, TNF-α and ERK in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and spinal cord were detected by immunofluorescence staining and western blot.The pain-related behaviors were accessed by the up-down method to test paw withdrawal threshold.
目的:慢性疼痛是伴发于各种抗原特异性的免疫相关疾病的常见症状,但其发生和发展病理机制尚不明确.既往研究表明,部分外周感觉神经元表达IgG的高亲和力受体FcγR Ⅰ,本研究致力于阐明IgG免疫复合物(IgG-IC)是否可以直接激活外周痛觉神经元而导致疼痛.方法:本研究采用在体和离体实验:在体实验中,大鼠足底皮内注射由抗原(卵清蛋白)和特异性IgG抗体合成的IgG-IC后检测痛觉相关行为;进一步利用背
目的:观察巴氯芬干预前后GABAA受体γ2亚基在坐骨神经压榨性损伤(Chronic Constriction Injury, CCI)模型大鼠背根神经节(Dorsal Root Ganglion,DRG)神经元上的表达.方法:制备CCI模型,热板实验检测热刺激缩足反射潜伏期(Thermal Withdrawal Latency, TWL);以灌胃的方式给予CCI模型鼠巴氯芬干预14天,取大鼠L4-
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