Some considerations about managing the information scientifically to the hospital and establishing t

来源 :第五届21世纪中美医学论坛(The 5th Sino-US Symposium on Medicine in the 2 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meyxiao
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  Along with the constant development of information science and the increase of the peoples requirements to the medical service quality, the foundation of the digitized hospital is a fresh target which the developing hospital is fa cing.The informationization construction goes smoothly on outpatient service charges,pricing, financial management in many hospitals at the level of Grade Ⅱ , Ⅲ.In establishing digitized hospitals, more than half of hospitals have already become digitized hospitals in developed local like Shanghai.As for economical backward areas they dont have so quick development.The digitized hospital puts all the processes of the clinical work such as the digital medical equipments, digital medical imaging system, digital medical information system, and so on into the digi tized network through the network.The foundation of the digitized hospital needs reasonable investment, the using of information technology, the establishment of resources sharing and reasonable diagnosing and treating flow, elim inating abuses which exist in the original medical way.
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