
来源 :中国神经精神疾病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:einsun007
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本文分析了446例经CT证实为高血压性脑出血的13种危险因素:入院时血压增高者占87.4%,其中舒张压增高为84.1%,收缩压增高为68.6%,有高血压史5~15年发病者占59.1%,40~59岁发病者占54.9%,发病高峰年龄为50~59岁,心电图异常者占74.6%,血糖增高者占47.6%,胆固醇及甘油三酯增高者分别为24.9%与3.8%,发病以3~5月为多,体力劳动者占72.4%,肥胖占36.6%,吸烟与饮酒者分别为43.5%及47.5%,病前有中风史、遗传史者分别为23.1%及13.6%,病前有情绪激动者仅10.9%。初步认为高血压性脑出血可能并非单一因素引起。 Thirteen risk factors of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage confirmed by CT were analyzed in this paper: 87.4% of the patients had hypertension at admission, the diastolic blood pressure increased 84.1%, the systolic blood pressure increased 68.6% and the history of hypertension 5 ~ The incidence of 15 years was 59.1%, the incidence of 40- 59 years old was 54.9%, the age of onset was 50-59 years old, the abnormal electrocardiogram was 74.6%, the blood glucose was increased by 47.6%, the cholesterol and triglyceride were 24.9% and 3.8% respectively. The morbidity was from March to May. The percentage of manual laborers was 72.4%, that of obesity was 36.6%, smoking and drinking were 43.5% and 47.5% respectively. 23.1% and 13.6% respectively. Only 10.9% of the patients were emotionally active before the illness. Initially that hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage may not be caused by a single factor.