Influence of substrate roughness on structure and mechanical property of TiAIN coating fabricated by

来源 :第四届国际表面与界面科学与工程学术会议(The Fourth International Conference on S | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dapeng0429
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  The aim of the present research was to investigate the influence of substrate roughness on structure and mechanical properties of Titanium Aluminium Nitride (TiAlN) coatings.Tungsten Carbide rectangular block was used as substrate.Different surface roughness was achieved by using grinding discs with different grain sizes and diamond polishing powder,and TiAlN coatings were deposited on these substrates under the same preparation technique and parameters.Morphology of substrates and coatings,crystal structure,coating thickness,mechanical properties were investigated using optical microscope,AFM,XRD,CSM scratch tester and tribometer.It was shown that surface morphology of cathodic arc TiAlN coating was mainly affected by the morphology of the substrate surface and the coating growth process.The influence of substrate roughness on crystal structure and thickness of the coatings could be ignored.The adhesion force between coating and substrate increased with the decreasing of the substrate roughness.The wear resistance of the coating was also improved with the substrate roughness decreasing.
1999年10月15日,挪威。一个女孩出现在诺贝尔颁奖典礼上,作为“无国界医生”的成员接受了当年的诺贝尔和平奖。身为全球最大的国际医疗人道援助组织的一员,她和世界各地超过1万名同事及4万名志愿者分享了这一荣耀的时刻。  她叫刘蕴玲,中国香港人。在大学还未毕业时,她就已热衷于各种慈善活动,并成为无国界医生组织香港办事处的一名义工。谈到数不清的救援行动,记者总希望她多说说自己的“壮举”,但她谈到自己总
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