RHICPresent and Future

来源 :第十六届全国中高能核物理大会暨第十届全国中高能核物理专题研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huahua7717
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Introductions Hot QCD and selected results Future plans Summary RHIC:History of the Universe Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider(RHIC) Brookhaven National Laboratory(BNL),Upton,NY
Outline Motivation->Physics->RHIC-STAR introduction Non Photonic Electron(NPE)measurements:->p+p collisions at 200GeV->Au+Au collisions,nuclear modification factor
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Multitude of strange quark and antiquark can be produced via gluonfusion processes if a hot and densemedium created in heavy-ioncollisions。Multi-strange is les
Content Ⅰ.Dynamical hQCD model Ⅱ.Hadron spectra Ⅲ.Thermodynamic properties Ⅳ.Transport properties Ⅴ.Conclusion and discussion Ⅰ.Dynamical hQCD model Stron