Integrating GIS, BIM and social/cultural phenomena data: an experimental database architecture for t

来源 :第四届国际遥感考古会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ws715203sw
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  The Ancestral Shrines Cultural Landscape around Huishan Mountain of Wuxi (Taihu Lake) has been nominated to the World Heritage Tentative List of China earlier this year.The proposed protection boundary encloses the cultural landscape areas in 57.4 ha.and the buffer zone is 2138.4 ha..The cultural landscape was built from the middle age of China in a complex context constructed by natural landscapes,farmlands,urban areas and regional cultural route (the Grand Canal).Property of the cultural landscape integrated architecture,gardens,natural settings as well as the attached cultural backgrounds of the constructions and landscapes,such as the tradition or history of families or clans,stories an myths of scholars,celebrities,heroes and immortals,ritual or traditional activities,educational programmes,religions,tea and wine culture,music,and so on.In order to prepare application documents for World Heritage site in the near future,the local government is launching a five-year research plan program including site surveying,historic,social and architectural analyses,conservation planning,heritage management,and so on.The authors research team is in-charging the data acquisition part of the earlier stage of this research program.In order to organizing collected data for better supporting to the further heritage research,planning and management,the research team proposes an extended database based on geographic information system (GIS).
机型:创维25NF8800(5T10机心),CPU:SKY-WORTH87CM38N—1N10,单片 IC:TB1240AN。故障现象:蓝屏,无图、无声,有屏显。分析与检修:检查各工作电压正常。I~2C 总线电压正常。进
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概述羰基镍是由一氧化碳与镍反应制得,首先由英国的Mond(1890)发现,并应用于工业生产。羰基镍是一种无色透明的液体[分子式Ni(CO)_4],具有一种特殊的尘土气味(嗅阈为0.5 ppm
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一台长虹 N2918(CN—5机心)彩电,无声、光。开机检查,发现保险管严重发黑,Q801、D806及“行管”Q402(D2253)等件已坏。继续在路测量未发现明显其他故障,将 Q801、D806换新,