39k Promoter is an Inductive Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus Promoter with High Efficiency

来源 :中国蚕学会第八届青年学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myxyj2007
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  BmNPV is the most representative virus among baculovirus,which possesses the homology for about 80% with AcMNPV.The baculovirus expression system is the expression system bearing wide researches at present.However,the expression needs regulatory sequence with high efficiency.The 39k promoter of BmNPV is the delayed early gene of coding BmNPV.Though the 39k is the nonessential gene of baculovirus,but it affects the multiplication and duplication of BmNPV.In order to study the features of 39k,we applied the dual luciferase report system by making use of 5’ truncation test to look for the active segment and the best promoter sequence of 39k.To make better use of 39k promoter,we made use of the series & construction experiment of enhancer elements,such as hr3,hr5 and polh.Through this research,we studied and determined the sequence features of 39k promoter,achieved the best 39k sequence and reconstructed the recombination promoter En39k,whose promoter activity is 155 times as that of 39k promoter.
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