Fast Screening of Thermodynamic Promoters of Gas Hydrate by Quartz Crystal Microbalance

来源 :第七届国际分离科学与技术会议(Proceedings of the 7th International Conferen | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wayaya001
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  As shale gas emerges as a major energy source,CO2 emission from the gas fuel combustion will be a serious problem in the years to come.A hydrate-based CO2 separation technology was proposed,but the cost of high pressure compression has been a roadblock for real world implementation.A promoter is a chemical substance which forms a gas hydrate at a considerably lower pressure,resulting in the improvement of the feasibility of a hydrate-based gas separation process.The exact mechanism of hydrate formation with a promoter,however,is still far from satisfactory,it is desirable to devise a fast and accurate measurement method to screen the best promoter from many candidates.In this study,we report the development of an efficient equipment based on quartz crystal microbalance (QCM),which was originally suggested a decade ago,but has been considered as infeasible.We modified the original equipment using a small quartz crystal (d < 1cm) and a small droplet (2?l).Previously-reported data were reproduced with sufficient accuracy,demonstrating the credibility of our modifications.The time for CO2 hydrate phase equilibrium measurement was reduced to 1/30,comparing with the conventional view cell technique.
  Removing pollutants from water is important to maintaining clean environment and eco system.Among various technologies,water purification using photocatalys
本文集中讨论了慢性肺部疾病尤其是尘肺的并发症肾脏损害、肝脏损害、内分泌功能障碍、心律失常及猝死。兹分述如下。 一、慢性肺部疾病能引起肾功能障碍 当患慢性肺部疾病
陈大夫 :一到夏天 ,我妈妈就让我多喝淡盐水 ,问她为什么 ,她也说不出原因。请问夏天喝淡盐水有没有科学的道理 ?安徽小林小林朋友 :你妈妈的话是有道理的。酷暑季节 ,人体主