
来源 :第九届全国高聚物分子与结构表征学术讨论会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seelo1332
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  Poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) is a crystalline polymer with three main crystal forms, i.e.α-, β-and γ-form.Of them, the β-form is most interesting because of its superior piezoelectric properties.It makes PVDF widely used as actuator, energy harvesting materials, and so on.However, under normal conditions crystallization of PVDF usually yields the α-form that is electrically inactive.With aid of mechanical deformation the α-form can be transformed into the β-form.To date, α→β transformation induced by stretching is mostly concentrated in PVDF and is less concerned in the blends containing PVDF.This study reports phase transformation of poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) in its miscible blends with poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) (P34HB) upon stretching.The original α-form of the PVDF component in the blends is converted into the β-form by stretching,which is decreased with the increasing of the P34HB content.Moreover, α→β transformation of the PVDF component in the blends exhibits a sharp transition at the P34HB content of about 15 wt%.It is correlated with composition dependent dissolution and crystallization of the P34HB component in the amorphous phase of the PVDF component.
1 2013年度受理申请项目和同行评议情况2013年度面上项目、青年科学基金项目和地区科学基金项目共申请项目756项,较2012年度下降10.1%。面上项目申请数为388项(包括青年科学
  It has been well established that the excellent performance of carbon fibers is closely related to their microstructures resulted from the oxidative stabili
摘要 计算是学生学习数学所必备的基本能力,而口算是学生必须熟练掌握的一项基本功。口算的准确率和速度,会影响学生学习的质量。认清小学生产生口算错误的原因,采用切实有效的、有针对性的措施,帮助学生提高口算能力。  关键词 口算 调查 策略  期末考试结束后,本人主要负责本校四年级的数学质量调研,在监考以及批阅四个班大约160份学生考卷中,我发现当前我校学生的口算能力不容乐观。在这次质量检测中,12
  The term "gel" is usually used to describe any small defect that distorts a film product.It is a common phenomenon in film made of polymers including LDPE,