Undoing the Effect of Loss on Continuous-Varaible Entanglement

来源 :2015年国际激光物理研讨会(LPHYS`15) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiangjin
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Entanglement distillation(ED) allows to establish strong levels of entanglement between remote nodes when it has been degraded by losses and noise.The main entanglement resource in the continuous-variable(CV) domain is the two-mode squeezed vacuum(TMSV) state,an approximation of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state [1].
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I will present an algorithm for computing with L-functions,which can be made numerically rigorous for simple L-functions,and some applications.
  VO2 在临界温度Tc 68℃发生可逆相变,由低温绝缘体相向高温金属相转变.在相变过程中,红外波段的光学性质发生了巨大的突变,低于Tc 时,处于绝缘体状态,在V 原子对间存在0.6ev
Developing optical quantum memories is one of the most important problems of modern quantum optics and quantum information [1-3].Such devices are supposed to be