Implementation Progress and International Reference of National Standards for Health and Physical Fi

来源 :2011 Second International Conference on Information,Communic | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juannayuan
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  The purpose of this study was to examine the problems and insufficient of National Standards for Health and Physical Fitness of Students, offer international experience on youth health promotion from the Unites States, Japan and New Zealand.Students physical fitness is one of the most important foundations of the development of the whole country.National Standards for Health and Physical Fitness of Students (NSHPFS), jointly issued by Chinese Ministry of Education and the General Administration of Sports, is a common vision of child and youth fitness evaluation system of China, and has acquired a great achievement.However, the defections of NSHPFS have been seen, and these problems need to be treated seriously and properly.The test criteria and norms adopted by the whole country, because gender differences and functional difference of the body, may cause a weak comparability, false test results and evaluation error.And technical defects in data management systems, big difference of criteria selection, etc.may cause problems in child and youth health and fitness management and promotion.Conclusion: the government at all level should attaches great importance to students fitness and health; effective institutions of students fitness promoting have been established; scientific research and norms are with critical importance to students fitness promotion.
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