
来源 :第七届全国小麦遗传育种学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyaohuaok
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山东是我国小麦主产省份之一,常年种植面积5500 万亩左右,总产200 亿公斤以上,面积和总产分别占约全国总数的14%和18%.近十年来山东省在小麦新品种选育和推广、种质资源评价、引进和创新及分子育种技术研究与应用等方面取得了良好进展.
特殊生态环境真菌在创制抗肿瘤药物过程中展示出良好的发掘潜力,备受生物医药行业的关注.我们在虫生真菌资源调查过程,分离获得四株低温型真菌(适宜生长温度约20℃),分别鉴定为刺束梗孢菌Akanthomyces sp.(A01)、球束梗孢菌Gibellula sp.(G01)和两种被毛孢菌Hirsutella sp.(H01 和H02).
盾壳霉(Coniothyrium minitans)是核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)的重寄生真菌,可以寄生和破坏核盘菌的菌核和菌丝,对核盘菌引起的作物菌核病具有明显的防治效果。因为具有高效的寄生能力及其与核盘菌相似的生态要求和广泛的环境适应性,盾壳霉在作物菌核病生物防治中得到了高度的重视和广泛的应用,在国内外均有其商品化菌剂。研究盾壳霉产孢及寄生核盘菌的分子机理不仅可以
Fungi employ diverse lifestyles as a fundamental strategy to respond to environmental challenges.However,relatively little is known about the underlying mechanisms for lifestyle changes,partly due to
Intra-specific comparison of mitochondrial genomes can help elucidate the evolution of a species,however it has not been performed for hypocrealean fungi that form diverse symbiotic associations with
The pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins are a large family of RNA-binding proteins characterized by tandem repeats of a degenerate 35-amino-acid motif.PPR proteins play critical roles in all aspec
Evolution of gene regulation has been proposed to play an important role in environmental adaptation.Exploring mechanisms underlying coordinated evolutionary changes at various levels of gene regulati
The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium robertsii is widely used for biological control of a variety of insect pests.The effectiveness of the microbial pest control agent,however,is limited by poor th
本研究以香菇135 菌株的2 个原生质体单核体135A 菌株和135B 菌株以及46 个孢子单核体为构图群体,通过solexa 高通量测序获得基因组序列,对135A 和135B 进行了组装,组装后的基因组大小分别是37.9Mb 和38.9Mb.
Most fungi including entomopathogenic fungi have two different conidiation patterns: normal conidiation and microcycle conidiation under different culture conditions,e.g.the nutrients in medium.