Integrated platform for High Throughput Quantitative Proteome Analysis with Combination of Simultane

来源 :第八届中国蛋白质组学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaobailxiaoyi
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For O18 labeling based comparative proteome analysis,enzyme-catalyzed protein digestion and peptide labeling are two crucial sample preparation steps for protein identification and quantification.However,traditional in-solution protein digestion and enzymecatalyzed O18 labeling not only might suffer from time-consuming,sample loss and incomplete labeling due to back exchange,but also it was difficult to integrate traditional in-solution digestion protocol with HPLC-MS for on line protein analysis,which might result in irreproducibility and low analysis throughput.
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Protein characterization using intact tandem mass spectrometry approaches can be challenged by the presence of disulfide bonds that maintain and stabilize three dimensional structures.Moreover,the pre
SILAC-based quantitative schemas employ in vivo incorporation of an isotopic label into proteins for LC-MS based quantitative proteomics studies and have - predominantly used data dependent based acqu
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Traditional enzymatic digestion of proteins is commonly performed in solution,and has many defects such as long digestion time,enzyme self-digestion,and non-reusability.Here,we demonstrated a new meth
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