Plasmatic Levels Od Angiogenetic and Immunosupressive Factors TGF Betal, VEGF and Antitumor Cellular

来源 :2013第六届世界癌症大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l342016022
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  In view of the fact that defects in immune response often correlate with poor prognosis, research in recent years has focused on the task of precisely describing the status and function of the immune system in cancer patients.It also appears that factor contributing to the poor immune defence agains tumor could be transforming factor-beta (TGF-beta).This is a highly immunosuppressive factor that inhibits the natural and specific immunity against tumors and stimulates the production of VEGF.We monitor immune responses in patients with colorectal cancer and breast cancer resistant to hormone therapy.
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