The safety evaluation of local injecting hydrochloric acid in the liver of rabbits

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuhu1314518
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  Objective Local inject different concentrations of hydrochloric acid(HCl)in rabbit live and studywhether it would effect rabbits general situation,眀愀琀攀爀,electrolyte and acid-base balance,routine blood,liver and kidney function,adjacent organs through hematology test,imaging and histopathological study.Further discuss whether HCl is a safety local injection chemical ablation agent昀爀漀洀 general and local security.Materials and Methods Eighty adult New Zealand rabbits were divided into five groups of equal size(n=16),i.e.Group A: untreated group,Group B:normal saline(NS)control group,Group C: 10%HCl group,Group D: 20%HCl group,Group E:30%HCl group.Except group A injected none liquid in the liver,other groups injected 0.5ml of NS,10%HCl,20%HCl,30%HCl in the liver,respectively.Each group was divided into two subgroups: ten rabbits for toxicology study and and six rabbits for imaging and histopathology study.In toxicology study we collected 2ml blood sample at the time points of hour 0,0.25,0.5,1,3,6 and day 2,7,14.Among these 2ml blood sample,0.5ml for愀爀琀攀爀椀愀氀 blood gas,0.5ml for hematologyand1ml for hepatic and renal functions.General condition was recorded at the time points of day 0,2,5,7,14.In imaging and histopathology study,Each rabbits undergo MRI scan at the time points of day 2,7 and 14.After each MRI scan,each group execute two rabbits to get liver specimen.We observed the the sizes of lesion and the histopathology change that caused by HCl.Results The food consumption,water consumption and body weight decreased significantly in all group at day 2(P< 0.0001),but all of them recovered at day 7.In blood gas analysis,the lactic acid content was significant higher in the group E than in the other groups while the actual base excess眀愀猀 significant lower in the group C(P<0.0001).K+,一愀+,Ca2+,PH,Lac,HCO3,actual base excess栀愀搀 no significant differences in interaction between group effect and time effect and had no猀椀最渀椀昀椀挀愀渀琀 differences in group effect.In blood routine,WBC,RBC,PLT,HGBwere no significant differences in interaction between group effect and time effect and had no猀椀最渀椀昀椀挀愀渀琀 differences in group effect.In liver and renal function,ALT and AST were significant higher in group E than in other groups(P<0.0001).吀倀,ALB,A/G,CRP,BUN,CRE had no significant differences in interaction between group effect and time effect and had no猀椀最渀椀昀椀挀愀渀琀 differences in group effect.In time effect,all items expect A/G had significant change during experiment.However these changes were reversible and recoverable at day 14.In MRI,groupA and B,no obvious lesions were observed on T2WI at all three time points.In group C,D and E,the lesions were homogenously hyperintense on T2WI.Inpathology study,group A and B had no猀椀最渀椀昀椀挀愀渀琀 pathological changes.In group C,D and Ethe cellular structure was gradully氀漀猀琀眀椀琀栀 time past.On搀愀礀14,琀he cellular structure was挀漀洀瀀氀攀 琀攀氀礀氀漀猀琀愀渀搀 only a small amount of the residual nuclear structure was observed at a high magnification.At day 2,coagulated necrosis was observed in the area of the local injection with HCl in the liver,and no evident adhesion to the adjacent organs was observed.At days 7 and 14,the damaged area was surrounded by a layer of fiber tissue.The damaged area seriously adhered to the surrounding tissue and causing the separation of them became very difficult.Conclusions 匀氀漀眀 injection(no more than 1 ml/min)HCl that concentration was under 30%and no more than 0.5 ml in the rabbit liver was safe.This process will not affect the water – electrolyte and acid-base balance,blood routine,renal functions.But it will cause the reversibility of liver function damage.HCl homogeneous diffuses in the rabbits liver and it will generate minor damage area that aroud completely coagulated necrosis.吀栀攀 minor damaged area in the 30%HCl group was larger than in the 10%、20%HCl group.
目的 报道2例异位甲状腺的超声、CT表现,并结合文献进行分析. 方法 回顾性分析临床确诊为异物甲状腺患者的超声、CT表现,并总结其特征性影像学表现. 结果 临床表现:2例均为女性,年龄分别为14岁、50岁,均以发病部位结节就诊,无红肿热痛.位置:1例舌根部,1例左侧甲状软骨前缘.大小:1.1cm、2.8cm.形态:类圆形.边界:清晰光整.甲状腺区表现:1例无正常甲状腺组织,1例甲状腺右叶较左叶稍大
目的 常规CT检查中,腰椎内固定造成的X线束硬化伪影对周围组织结构的显示有严重影响,尤其影响对脊髓的观察,难以达到临床影像诊断的目的,因此需要探讨宝石CT能谱成像技术(GSI)单能量成像在减除腰椎金属植入物伪影方面的优势,评价该技术临床应用价值及寻求图像质量最佳的单能量成像点。
目的 通过探讨磁共振成像各脉冲序列对原发性小肝癌的检出率及相对特征性征象的检出率的比较,找到磁共振成像技术中对原发性小肝癌敏感性及相对特征性较强的扫描序列。 方法 回顾性分析35例42个经手术病理证实的原发性小肝癌患者的MRI资料,通过分析原发性小肝癌在磁共振成像常规平扫、DW、多期动态增强扫描各个扫描序列上的影像学表现,及相对特征性征象出现的情况,评价各扫描序列对原发性小肝癌的检出率的差异及对小
目的 16层螺旋CTPAtest法对肺动脉显影的价值 方法 收集53例经16层螺旋检查的肺动脉CTPA病人,分析其成像条件及容积图像,MPR.MIP.SSD.VR等后处理方法对肺动脉段其栓子的显示情况进行分析. 结果 53例CTPA图像其中52例满足诊断需要,薄层容积图像可清晰显示.肺动脉及其分支显示率为98.1%.
目的 设计感控DSA头罩,应用于介入室DSA下永久起搏器植入术中的配台。 方法 DSA头罩采用180°弯曲的3根铁丝和正方形的不锈钢底座制作。高度35cm,宽25cm,铁丝之间宽度10cm,底座下面与DSA床头板相扣,便于头罩稳定架于患者头部。 结果 感控DSA头罩有利于介入室锁骨下穿刺技术。有效隔离了患者由口鼻呼出的气体所带出的细菌和病毒,保证介入手术创面无菌,降低了创面感染机会,方便介入医生工
目的 评价ADC在鉴别桥小脑角区(cerebellopontine angle area,CPA)前庭神经鞘瘤与脑膜瘤中的价值. 方法 回顾性收集影像上不典型而已经病理确诊的CPA脑膜瘤(CPA meningioma,CPAM) (n = 54) 与前庭神经鞘瘤(vestibular Schwannoma,VS)(n =27)患者的DWI(b=0和b=1000s/m2)图像,用单指数模型进行后处理
目的 通过对照组及病变组的患者进行MR背景抑制全身扩散加权成像扫描,获得DWI、ADC图和定量指标ADC值,评价WB-DWIBS技术在恶性肿瘤骨转移诊断中的应用价值. 方法 设置对照组和病变组,对照组选择20名年龄在20-35岁无任何疾病的年轻人入组;病变组选择26名明确原发肿瘤、无MR扫描禁忌症的患者入组.病变组所有患者均有恶性肿瘤病史,其中肺癌10例,胃癌5例,甲状腺癌4例,膀胱癌3例,乳腺癌
目的 探讨轴扫70KV管电压下,不同权重ASiR-V迭代重建算法对小儿胸部低剂量CT扫描图像质量的影响. 方法 受试者20例年龄(1~5岁),在轴扫、70KV、自动管电流扫描条件下,以不同权重ASiR-V(0%、20%、40%、60%、80%、100%)重建肺算法和标准算法图像.两位放射科医师独立对不同ASiR-V迭代重建下肺算法图像质量采用5分制评分,以Kappa检验评价观察者间的一致性.kap
目的 通过对肺癌患者生物治疗前、后能谱CT成像检查,测量及分析在不同单能量下肿瘤的CT值、能谱曲线及碘含量的变化,探讨CT能谱成像对肺癌生物治疗临床疗效的应用价值。 方法 选取2014年8月至2016年3月本院肺癌患者46例(中央型21例,周围型25例),男29例,女17例,包括小细胞癌18例、肺鳞癌15例、肺腺癌13例。患者均经支气管镜检或穿刺活检后病理及肿瘤标志物确诊。患者均选用相同的生物治疗
目的 分析非酮症性高血糖偏侧舞蹈症的脑部CT和MRI的表现,探讨其诊断依据。 方法 回顾性分析以偏侧舞蹈症为主要症状的糖尿病患者脑部的CT 和 MRI资 料 ,7例患者至少2次CT平扫,5例接受MRI平扫,6例治疗后接受CT或MRI平扫。 结果 颅脑CT示患者对侧患肢纹状体高密度影,主要位于壳核和尾状核头,MRI:T1WI上述部位呈高信号改变,边界清楚,T2WI呈低信号或混杂信号。综合治疗后(控制