Evolution of Diabetes Management from a Fragmented to an Integrated Approach

来源 :MIT`s 1st Annual World Congress of Diabetes-2012(2012第一届糖尿病大 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fairytalezoey
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  In the past few decades the epidemiology of diabetes has shown an unprecedented increase in its prevalence and a "globalization" of this health problem.Diabetes is no longer a disease of the industrialized Countries of Europe and North America but a global problem.Rate of diagnosis, modality of disease management, and percentage of patinets achieving metabolic targets for risk reduction are very different in the various regions of the word.The fragmentation of care around individuals with diabetes poses very different challenges depending on the characteristic of the health care systems of different regions.In many countries, a patient with diabetes needs consult with many different health care professionals to manage his/her diabetes.This complex management by multiple providers might not be financially sustainable and might not lead to the very best clinical outcome.Currently, the various elements of care for diabetes do not interface with each other: glucose lowering medications are not associated with specific educational tools or with specific modality of titrating treatment dosing schema.A simplification of disease management might require a better integration of care and this might benefit by a different business model from the industries working in the area of diabetes.It is likely that the next "waive" of innovation in diabetes might not be arise based from the next molecule making it to the market but it could result from integrating the existing drugs, monitoring devices, education tools to provide better means of managing diabetes.
  1.Absolute lack of insulin production, the hall mark of Type 1 diabetes (T1D), can be corrected by pancreas or islet allo-transplantation.Scarcity of donor
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