Effects of slight amount Nb on mechanical properties of Ti microalloyed high strength heavy steel pl

来源 :第五届宝钢学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chencm
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  Microstructures of 0.08% C-O.09Ti% and 0.08% C-O.025Nb% -0.09Ti% high strength heavy plates produced by TMCP are composed by banitic ferrite plates and martensite-austenite ( MA) constitutes locating at plates boundaries.After tempering process,MA decomposed and carbides precipitated as well as boundaries of bainitic ferrite plates became weaken.The amount of MA was found increasing in Nb adding steels.TiCN、 Ti4C2S2 were found in Ti microalloying steels.Coarsen Nb-Ti complex precipitations (1~2μm) were found in Nb adding steel.The yield strength,tensile strength and Charpy impact energy decrease with Nb addition at TMCP processes.However,the difference of mechanical properties of Nb-Ti and Ti microalloying steel plates is small after tempering process.Steel plate with optimized strength and toughness was obtain by finish cooling at 500℃ following by temper at 550℃.Solution Nb in austenite is 0.01% at experimental austenitize temperature.It is reasonably that the mechanical properties decreasing of Nb-Ti steel relate to the pinning effect of coarsen Nb-Ti precipitates to mobile dislocation and boundaries is lower than that of the fine precipitates in Ti microallying steel.
成人T细胞白血病(adult T cell leukema;ATL)是由人类T细胞白血病Ⅰ型病毒(human T cell lymphotropiec Virus type Ⅰ;HTLV—Ⅰ)引起的一种特殊类型的白血病。近年来在我国
【摘 要】毯子功的内容包括翻、腾、扑、跌、滚、摔等各项技艺的基本功。由于这些强度高、难度大、技术条件复杂的训练,均需在毯子上进行以保护练习者不受伤害,故而称之为“毯子功”。其动作的难度性、复杂性和非常规性,不仅决定了毯子功训练不适于个人自学,而且决定了毯子功训练必须辅以保护与帮助。体操中的技巧运动也包括滚动、翻滚、平衡、倒立、手翻、空翻等一系列动作。因而体操中保护与帮助方法的运用对毯子功训练的过程
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【摘 要】在对小学生的心理健康教育中,科学有效的方法对提高心理健康教育的质量非常重要。学校利用心理健康教育的各种渠道,有针对性地采取相应教育方法,给予小学生相应的心理健康教育,为小学生的健康成长打下坚实的基础。  【关键词】小学生;方法;心理健康教育  在当前全国各中小学对学生心理健康教育非常重视,心理健康教育在学校教育中具有重要作用和意义。通过心理健康教育能促进小学生心理健康成长,帮助他们形成良
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