来源 :The 5th International Conference on Rodent Biology and Manag | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:backbone09
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  The Oriental vole (Microtus fortis) is an agricultural pest in Dongting Lake area,and causes serious damage to crops when the beaches are flooded (June to October) .Based on the habits of migration of the vole between the two habitats (beaches and cropland) ,building "rodent-proof wall" along the dike surrounding the beaches is the best way to prevent voles from moving into the adjacent cropland.In order to confirm the effect of the "rodent-proof wall",investigation using snap traps was conducted in 2012 in April (in beaches before migration) and July (in farmland after migration) .Trap success in farmland with a "rodent-proof wall" on the dike was 0.52%,and was significantly lower (x2 = 3.9,P = 0.048) than that in farmland without "rodent-proof wall" (1.76%) after the voles had immigrated into farmland from the adjacent beaches.Compared to the population density in beaches,a decrease (98.5%) of population density in farmland with a "rodent-proof wall" was significantly (x2 = 11.1,P = 0.01) higher than that (86.6%) in farmland without a "rodent-proof wall",in spite of rodent control conducted by farmers in the unprotected polder.These results suggested promotion of a "rodent-proof wall" along the dikes in Dongting Lake could limit crop damage.
  From the 1960s to the mid 1990s the dominant paradigm for rodent control was the widespread use of chemical rodenticides.In general,farmers were reactive to
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  Rodents are a key pest to agricultural and rural island communities of the South Pacific,but there is limited information of their impact on the crops and l
  In many parts of Europe,common voles (Microtus arvalis) are the main vertebrate problem species in agriculture.During outbreaks populations reach densities
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  The The media animal that come from farms such as rodents and flies are widely distributed and high fecundity,they can be a reservoir for a variety of patho
  Exotic species are found across the globe and can have dramatic negative impacts upon native wildlife.Recent work,however,has begun to highlight the importa
  Rice is a food staple in Indonesia and the need for rice increases each year.The Indonesian government has targetted increasing rice production from 71 mill