Rapidly Changing Arctic Climate System: A Synthesis of Recent Research

来源 :2014中国极地科学学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:candycandy726
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  Rapid climate change has occurred in the Arctic, which is representatively evidenced by a decade-long accelerating decline of sea ice and the extreme events of sea ice cover loss in summer 2007 and 2012.At the same time, drastic changes have also occurred in broader areas in the Northern Hemisphere or globally, including a spatial shift of the maximum surface air temperature warming trends from the Eurasian continent to the central Arctic Ocean, an enhancement of poleward oceanic and atmospheric heat transport from either the North Atlantic or North Pacific oceans into Arctic, poleward shift of storm tracks and intensification of Arctic storm activities, and a widespread of extreme cold weather and snow storms from the US east coast to Europe and Asia.
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