Use BCR to Evaluat the Diabetic Neurogenic Bladder after Taking Mecobalamin

来源 :The 12th Annual Asian and Oceanian Myology Center (AOMC)Scie | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwertyuiopgfdsa
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Objectiv To assess the value of bulbocavernosus reflex (BCR) and pudendal nerve somatosenso ry evoked potential (SSEP) in the patients withdiabeticneurogenic bladder.Methylcobalamininterv entiontreatmentfor all cases,observeddrugefficacyondiabetic neurogenicbladder.Methods Neuroelectrophysiological technique was adopted to determine both BCR and SSEP of95diabetespatients with or without sphincter dysfunction (Case Group)and 80 healthy adult (Contr olGroup).All the Cases were taken methylcobalamintablets for 3 months,then we didreassessme nt for theclinicalsymptoms,blood sugarchecksandBCR.
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