Adaptive guided filtering for low-dose CT imaging

来源 :Computational Biomedical Imaging Workshop(2015计算生物医学成像研讨会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lele5126596
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  To reconstruct image from filtered projection data in a low-mA(tube current)C T p rotocol i s a n e ffective way for low-dose CT imaging.Therein an important problem is to improve image degradation caused by photon starvation.In view of strong self-similarity contained in special sinusoid-like strip data in projection domain,we propose an adaptive guided filtering in both projection and image domains.First,in projection domain,a median filtering followed by an adaptive non-local means(NLM)filtering to levels of noise is used to process the sinogram data.Then,the filtered backprojection(FBP)algorithm is employed to reconstruct images from previous filtered data correspondingly.Finally,in image domain,guided by the FBP reconstructed image from the NLM filtered sinogram,a preprocessed Yaroslavsky filtering with the curvelet hard thresholding,is used to process the reconstructed image from the median filtered sinogram to obtain the final result.The proposed filtering with the self-similarity in both domains gives a better performance in noise reduction and detail preservation,which is verified in simulation experiments compared with some related filtering methods.
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