
来源 :第五届交通运输领域国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiexiangjun
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The primaiy goal of this research is to identify the transportation problems South African finns have encountered in their trading with China. China undoubtedly presents vast opportunities for multinational companies, but also serious challenges in some fields, especially in the logistics areas, for the companies as well as the policy - makers. Logistics is a diverse inter - disciplinary area for exploration. The present paper is intended to develop the impact of logistics barriers in China on SA firms trading with China. It focuses on transportation barriers arising from the imperfect and ineffectual logistics environment. The basis of the argument is that most logistics problems in China identified in the literature expose SA firms trading with China to some unpredictable and unavoidable risks. In such a relatively weak logistics environment, moving through bureaucratic and transportation hurdles maybe be a very time - consuming and difficult task for the managers who are concerned with their international operations with China. Therefore, SA firms, which are planning to trade with China, must start to strengthen their operation efficiency in logistics and transportation, and meanwhile take some specific actions to avoid the potential and unpredictable risks. Until now, no South African researcher does any transportation related research about China. China is the second biggest market behind U.S. and also is the biggest developing country. In China there exists a potentially huge market and low labour costs. China presents an ideal opportunity for South African firms wishing to expand offshore. Recently, most of other countries firms have flocked to the China market. This research has implication not only for researcher, but also for South African firms who have been trading or are planning to trade with China. This research will be the initial stage aimed at South African firms international business activities with China.
目的 了解宁夏回族自治区城市儿童血清锌含量。方法 对宁夏回族自治区 4个行政区内 1 2个市、县的 39所托儿所、幼儿园、小学的 0~ 1 2岁 70 70名儿童的血清锌含量用原子吸
在解放军的队伍里,第31集团军的前身是在解放战争中组建起来的一支年轻部队,由于其能征善战,有“黑马”的美誉。该集团军目前隶属于南京军区,军部驻地为福建厦门,是我军距离台湾最近的集团军。  地方部队组成的后起之秀  31集团军的前身出自胶东。1947年2月后,胶东军区地方部队先后组成新编第5、第6和第7师。同年8月下旬,胶东军区前线指挥部及所属部队改编为华东野战军第13纵队,共2.3万余人,隶属华东