Low latitude floral assemblage from the Late Oligocene sediments of Assam and its palaeoclimatic and

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There are many outcrops of the Tertiary sediments in northeast India and a large number of plant megafossils have been described from there. Among all, the Late Oligocene sedimentary basin of Makum Coalfield is very important because there is no other exposure having such a rich palaeofloral assemblage not only from northeast India but also from the whole country. The assemblage is also important to confirm whether the suturing between the Indian and Eurasian plates was complete to facilitate plant migration or not. All the reported plant fossils clearly indicate the prevalence of tropical climate in the region during the deposition of the sediments. As the majority of taxa occur in tropical evergreen to moist deciduous and littoral and swampy forest, a warm and humid climate may be envisaged in Upper Assam during the Late Oligocene. The abundance of palms and pantropical megathermal plant families in the Makum Coalfield indicate that the cold month mean temperature(CMMT) was not less than 18°C. The quantitative palaeoclimate reconstruction indicates a monsoonal climate during the period with the same intensity as that of the modern day. The absence of Southeast Eurasian elements in the fossil assemblage provides clear evidence that suturing between the Indian and Asian plates was not complete till the Late Oligocene. Several modern analogues of the fossil taxa are now endemic to the Western Ghats which lies in the same palaeolatitude. There are many outcrops of the Tertiary sediments in northeast India and a large number of plant megafossils have been described from there. Among all, the Late Oligocene sedimentary basin of Makum Coalfield is very important because there is no other exposure having such a rich palaeofloral assemblage not only from northeast India but also from the whole country. The assemblage is also important to confirm whether the suturing between the Indian and Eurasian plates was complete to facilitate plant migration or not. All the reported plants fossils clearly indicate the prevalence of tropical climate in the region during the deposition of the sediments. As the majority of taxa occur in tropical evergreen to moist deciduous and littoral and swampy forest, a warm and humid climate may be envisaged in Upper Assam during the Late Oligocene. The abundance of palms and pantropical megathermal plant families in the Makum Coalfield indicate that the cold month mean temperature (CMMT) was not less than 18 ° C. The absence of Southeast Eurasian elements in the fossil assemblage provides clear evidence that suturing between the Indian and Asian plates was not complete till the Late Oligocene. Several modern analogues of the fossil taxa are now endemic to the Western Ghats which lies in the same palaeolatitude.
1发展现状1.1“老三样”技术为公路事业作出了新的贡 献 60、70年代,以“老三样”——渣油路面、钻孔灌注桩、双曲拱桥为带头技术,为我国路面“黑色化”,桥梁“永久化”提供
【摘 要】笔者在本文中从钻孔灌注桩技术的定义出发,介绍了钻孔灌注桩技术在水利工程中应用的优势,并结合相关经验说明了钻孔灌注桩技术在水利施工过程中的应用程序,希望能够为水利施工人员提供理论上的帮助。  【关键词】水利施工;钻孔;灌注桩;技术;应用  随着经济的发展和社会的进步,我国的水利建设工程取得了令人瞩目的成就,与此同时,水利施工技术也有了很大程度的提高。水利工程的建设与人们的生命财产安全和日常