Transcriptome and Proteome-Based Network Analysis Reveals a Spectrum Model of Wheat Resistance Activ

来源 :第七届全国小麦基因组学及分子育种大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yexj585
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  Stripe rust is an important fungal foliar diseases of wheat(Triticum aestivum)in the world and causes severe yield losses.A distinct feature of wheat defense is restricting the development of urediospore.While the basic tenets of the defense model of wheat are confused,different genes or genetic background exhibit different resistance level to the same race and sometimes uniform characteristics to different isolates.
Fusarium head blight(FHB)is one of the severe diseases of wheat caused by Fusariumgraminearum.But the host resistance mechanisms to FHB are still unclear largely.As a new monocotyledonous model plant,
SnRK2 are plant-specific serine/threonine kinases that are involved in plant responses to abiotic stresses.In our study,eight novel SnRK2s: TpSnRK2.1,TpSnRK2.2,TpSnRK2.3,TpSnRK2.5,TpSnRK2.7,TpSnRK2.8,
磷是作物生长所必需的营养元素,土壤中有效磷的缺乏严重限制我国小麦产量和品质提高,因而深入挖掘磷高效基因型对解决小麦缺磷具有重要意义。本实验以小麦重组自交系群体H461×川麦107 为材料,在正常和缺磷条件下,开展三次水培实验获得苗期表型数据。
旗叶是小麦重要的光合器官,影响小麦的光合利用率,从而影响小麦的产量.本课题组利用旗叶长特异材料H461A(旗叶长31.7 cm)分别与国审品种川农16(旗叶长18.85 cm)和川麦107(旗叶长20.25 cm)构建了两个重组自交系群体:H461×川农16(A 群体)和H461×CM107(B 群体),A 群体利用7808 个SNP标记,B 群体利用6062 个DArT 标记分别构建了遗传连锁图
小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)是我国最重要的粮食作物之一,提高单产潜力一直是我国小麦育种的重要目标.旗叶的光合产物是小麦籽粒碳水化合物的主要来源,而旗叶宽度是决定其光合产物的重要因素.旗叶宽度的遗传解析对改良小麦叶型、提高光合效率和产量潜力具有重要意义.
株高是影响小麦株型和产量的一个重要农艺性状。降低株高和提高抗倒伏性是小麦育种的重要目标,株高的遗传解析对小麦矮秆高产品种的培育具有重要意义。本研究利用小麦骨干亲本"燕大1817"与超高产小麦品系"北农6 号"杂交构建的重组自交系群体为材料,在前期已构建了该群体的高密度SNP 遗传连锁图谱的基础上,对该群体进行了6 年3 点共11 个环境型的田间试验,并对其株高性状进行了考察和QTL 定位。
MYB transcription factor plays crucial role in response to abiotic stress.In this study,a new MYB gene Tamyb01was characterized and its expression under salt stress was analyzed.The full-length cDNA o
Exploitation of host resistance is important for controlling powdery mildew of wheat(Triticum aestivum L.).In this study,a wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium introgression line,designated WE99,conferred see